Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Another shitty day. I did everything right. I woke up with 9 hours of sleep, I exercised, I meditated, I ate correctly, went in and FUCKING STUNK UP THE TOWN. A crappy day without a single good reaction. I'm some kind of fucking loser. Seriously, my brain is flooding my consciousness with images of me being a weird loser with no friends.

Totally shitty. I'm pissed off. I didn't approach 3 girls that I should have and I didn't approach maybe a dozen girls that I COULD have. FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I feel like I'm back at square one when I had massive approach anxiety, but more importantly, no sexual options. I feel like I have no choice, no options now, because I'm some kind of weirdo. What is my deal?

Somebody wing me, please! Tell me if I'm doing something bizarrely WRONG in my sets! I feel like something egregiously wrong is happening, like my dick is hanging out of my pants, or I'm Godzilla, or I'm holding a knife. Why these bad reactions? Why this shitty time? And why are the shitty reactions making me FEEL shitty?

AAAHAGHAHGAHHGHSGHGHA Scream therapy session in progress!

1 comment:

Brahmin said...

Chill dude, let's talk early next week before carousing on opposite ends of the country.

Much love