Saturday, February 2, 2008

Non-Glory Times

A lot of guys ask me "Hey, p1an0, as a beginner to the game, what's the fastest way to kill off my game and really lose a handle on my love life once and for all?"

The answer is simple: Play Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls IV.

This game has it all: hours of minimally rewarding grinding, an immersive reality to replace the boring and depressing reality of real life, cool spells, and lots of dark areas so you need to close all the windows and shut out natural light to avoid glare.

I'd say that a regimen of Oblivion could get rid of an Approach Non-Anxiety SP in about a week. You will be afraid to talk to girls (and all non-Orcs) in ANY situation, so you can finally feel like you don't have an option in your love life.

Some really cool PU techniques in here, like:
-trying to cast charm spells on chicks when you chat em after an Oblivion sesh
-achieving a truly granite marble skin tone
-impressing chicks with my Intelligence and Endurance stats. I'm a machine, baby. My character will rock your world!
-"I'm a Sex Daedra Overlord, and I'll send your pussy straight to an Oblivion gate!"
-isolation and depression


I didn't go to a BAB thing @ Felt last night because I was too busy levelling up my mage character. Every time I type something about the game itself, I feel lamer and dorkier, so I'll keep on doing that to get myself out of this obnoxious headspace. I was up until 5:30 am playing that shit this morning.

I am addicted.

First thing I'm going to do is get this handled.

No posts have been made in the last few days because nothing has happened. I post only as much as I do and learn.

1 comment:

Pinnacle said...

Haha, for sure dude, gotta sarge to keep that pimpness in you live
at all times.

I actually inadvertently ran into
the BAB guys last night. Cool dudes.

Wasn't really a target
rich environment,
so their crew bounced
and so did ours.