Friday, February 15, 2008


I don't have bad nights. Bad nights are if I don't talk to any girl and actually become depressed. That doesn't happen. But this definitely wasn't a great night.

POINT 1: Calibration. I don't have it. I don't calibrate in-set. I guess I've always been a weirdo and don't understand how to do it. I'm going to do a big F-ing search on calibration, becuase I'm tired of getting "this guy is entertaining me" as my best reactions. I wanna be getting "this is a cool guy talking and we're in a conversation", if not "this is a sex-worthy guy and i'm gonna give it up".

POINT 2: Momentum. Get it from the second you enter a venue. Sitting around chatting PU isn't going to do it. I unusually had no momentum tonight, partly because of the intimidation factor of the hot girls, but partly because I constantly rolled back to my boys and chatted or whatever.

POINT 3: In-set, I don't pay attention to shit. I don't adjust body language, I don't really think about technical things. In fact, it's incredibly hard for me to think about anything at all when I talk to girls, perhaps beyond vibe and conversational content. Gotta fix it. But how?

Don't wanna talk about specific sets tonight, because nothing was substantial enough to be considered an actual set. Nothing hooked, most of the time, I barely got my opener off. Really ugly.

Gypsy always gets me. The girls are always banging, full of indian chicks that are intimidating, and my mind is always going blank.

I still haven't looked up attraction and hook material. I will do that hopefully before I roll out with Persian Prince tomorrow.

TOTAL GRIND, but guess what: I fucking pushed myself to do it, anyway. I love this game.

I had a very pleasant moment after I was frantically retrospecting on my way back to my man-van. "It's just a matter of time". As long as I continue going out at this rate, and continue to CALIBRATE in my interactions, in a year, I'll be getting hot girls as a matter of fact, not a bizarre outlier. I love myself, and I love everybody out there who's rooting for me to succeed.

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