Saturday, September 6, 2008

SOLO notez

I went out solo tonight. Notes:
-Going out solo is more fun than going with community guys
-make vibing more natural
-calibrate (literally just a time/experience issue)
-choose a target, even if both are enjoying it
-don't move around so much
-kino slowly and consistently and ESCALATE CONSTANTLY
-don't qualify yourself unless it's conscious to calibrate value
-don't talk about work
-learn how to dance with a female on dancefloor
-chill out the dancing monkey man
-go for makeout ASAP
-don't half-ass escalation
-stay out long as possible and open more sets

going out alone was liberating, nerve-wracking and fun. I pretended to be from California visiting Boston because I wanted the clean break from the area, etc. I guess it was a mental thing to help me socialize. Also, people were dicks to me all day long, so I'm kind of disillusioned about the nature of Boston.

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