Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today I bought a white cuff bracelet thing. I also bought a legit asian guy hat from H&M. I was going to buy this vest from Bennetton which costs 62-5$ (30% off 89$), but I hesitated because it's a big buy and I want to know what else is out there first. It is dark charcoal with white and blue striping (extremely thin stripes, very thinning effect). It looks sweet. I might have to get it. Size 44 EUR.

In order to qualify today for a sarging day, i hit up one indian girl. She got weirded out when I didn't smoothly transition, although she seemed pleased by the initial opener. I said something like "I'm Evan.... this is where normal people introduce themselves." But something got lost in translation, it got weird, game over.

Two new outfits

I put a belt across my chest, Rambo-style. Jean jacket- good or bad?

Today's 'fit. Light pink long-sleeve T, new azn guy hat, possibly missing some kind of necklace peacocking device.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Keep Going!

I hit a hot streak, got feeling pretty good and primed to grab a bunch of digits and butts, and then I stopped going out and have probably gone back to square two, maybe square one. I always sabotage this stuff when I'm getting somewhere. The mind reels what would happen if I kept going.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Saw something vaguely similar on Kinowear or GQ. Lots of shit tests on the tie that night. Will wear it more often.

This outfit got me the most AI I've ever had in daygame. It bought me at least 2-3 minutes with this hottie from Florida that I was boring. Note the J-guy hat that you always see the "cool" azn dudes wearing. You can't see from the front, but it's baggy and extends to the nape of my neck. With all the AZN shit, this outfit is designed to bait AZN girlies.

Not a lot of AI from this, but I thought it was a well-put-together outfit. Wanted to use that jacket, it's been gathering dust for a while. A little bit of white-offwhite interference going on.

EDIT: I'm looking really weird in all 3 pictures. What's up with my face? Anyway, it's a start. Hopefully, the outfits get more fine-tuned as I progress.

Going out

I went out Thursday, Thursday night, Friday, Friday night, Saturday, not Saturday night, and I'm going out later today, Sunday. not surprisingly, this momentum has got me in something of a streak. Nothing amazing, but it's hotter than usual by far.

My sticking point in daygame is not smiling enough and not vibing better/more smoothly. Not surprising that going out a lot changes your game. i'm starting to see some things, such as how to run a real night game sarge (lots of kino and dominance). Being visibly frightened in set isn't good, nor is being a little girly boy who doesn't express interest.

Dressing well increases the AI I get several fold. I wore an extremely edgy stylish outfit and even moderately attractive girls were giving me the eye. It is noticeable how dressing to your look makes a difference. I'm going to put up some pictures soon. Every time from now on, when I like the outfit I'm wearing, I'll post it up on the blog or something, because I'm starting to understand fashion now. It's a lot like music. You'll have a basic chord with three or four notes that fall directly in line with the "normal" chord, but then you'll add an accentuating note, or change one of the basic notes in a way that adds a layer of suspense or juxtaposition of two ideas. This analogy should only be working for me, as it's way too specific and Evan-brained. Anyway matching 'threads' of color, like hints of green (green shoes, stripes on hat, writing on shirt), etc. makes a outfit really shine.

I chatted up a HB9 indian chick but for some reason didn't go for her number, although I heavily heavily suspected she had a boyfriend and wasn't as sexually attracted to me as she could have been.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Went out, opened one asian girl, she smiled in a no thanks, I hdon't have any spare change kind of way, and walked away.

Depressing day out.

Asian women are rough. I rarely get good reactions. Limiting belief: I can't bone them unless I'm in the social circle.

I'm totally bummed out. I feel like a freak. But if I let up now, I'll end up lonely and alone and bitter and crapy. I'm not going to dabble, I'm going to immerse and excel.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

ILLEGAL Sexy Times

I was looking at this site, which is frightening. It is just a website, and could easily be inaccurate, and I should do more research before I post all my findings. I'm posting this shit ANYWAYZ!!!
It is a site with all the sex laws of the commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Check it:
-It is illegal to have sex w/ 18 year olds, although it's only been prosecuted once in 1987.
-Fornication is illegal and punishable by 3 months or 30$.
-Adultery (whether or not you are the married or nonmarried person) is illegal, and punishable by state prison of 3 years, jail for 2, or up to 500$.

These are probably wrong, but I've fornicated in Massachusetts before. Oh shit. I probably owe the government money.

Deja Vu

Last year, I was going out by myself and sometimes with wings to Fanueil a lot, and in a moment of deja vu (walking through the cold in my nice shoes), I had an image of myself a year ago doing something similar. In fact, as my brain progressed, I realized that a lot was similar to last year. If you ignore all the mental beliefs I've incorporated since a year ago, both positive and negative, not a lot has changed. I'm jobless again, my social skills are slightly better, but not massively so. I actually have less friends. :(

What gets me angry- after all this time spent in the field and reading and learning and sweating and bleeding, my PU skills have increased maybe 10%, tops. And that's 10% better than a pretty raw number, it's not a nuance on a finely honed game. It's like 10% better than a big block of marble. It looks like a human figure. Or a manatee. Not angry. I'm not angry about it, nor am I overwhelmingly frustrated. I've experienced so much frustration in my life that I tend to just ignore anything that makes me frustrated, which isn't good.

I chalk up my lack of progress to a lack of consistency. I'll have my little streaks of 24 hour daygame into nightgame and crash on a couch nights, but then I would have a week of self-indulgent video games and low self-esteem. Also low sex drive. Probably from poor eating habits and constant masturbation.


Notes from Sat Night

-DO NOT half-ass escalation
-open more often
-smile on open
-don't address whole group if you don't have to
-kino earlier
-aggressive on dancefloor
-merge forward to 8+ sets (they were all ice cold to me, same with asian cliques)
-open first set you see, continue for 20 min. to get into state
-do not wait for others to take lead (especially on entrance of location)
-ignore everything that won't help me

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Been going out, not opening sets mostly.
Bunch of AA.
Nothing else going on.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

SOLO notez

I went out solo tonight. Notes:
-Going out solo is more fun than going with community guys
-make vibing more natural
-calibrate (literally just a time/experience issue)
-choose a target, even if both are enjoying it
-don't move around so much
-kino slowly and consistently and ESCALATE CONSTANTLY
-don't qualify yourself unless it's conscious to calibrate value
-don't talk about work
-learn how to dance with a female on dancefloor
-chill out the dancing monkey man
-go for makeout ASAP
-don't half-ass escalation
-stay out long as possible and open more sets

going out alone was liberating, nerve-wracking and fun. I pretended to be from California visiting Boston because I wanted the clean break from the area, etc. I guess it was a mental thing to help me socialize. Also, people were dicks to me all day long, so I'm kind of disillusioned about the nature of Boston.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Brad P Social Freedom

Been on a massive crapfest lately. New lows of self-esteem galore!
I'm doing this thing where I'm consistently improving some points of my life (meditation, withholding the hand to a moderate level, running, and sarging). Free times means more potential sarging time.

I did part of the Brad P. social freedom exercise (as much as I could do before sheer fright overtook me). I got a score that is below average, meaning I'm more socially anxious than the average person. Of course, I did COMPLETELY freak myself out beforehand.

No solicitors approached me, and I really didn't feel comfortable approaching them. Well, guess what?! Tomorrow, I WILL approach them, and start talking.

Just starting a random conversation is overwhelming for me. For hot girls, it's a battle between overwhelming social anxiety and how hot/attainable they are. If it's a hot hot girl who I might have a *shot* with, I will usually try my best to avoid the social anxiety. I think the SA is fucking with my openers when I do that, though, so I'm going to do these social freedom exercises until I get that shit handled. That means every day unless it's not possible.

I feel very lonely lately. Pretty much every aspect of my life is in the dumps right now. I have almost no friends, I have basically no established romantic prospects, I have no job, nor any prospects for a job forthcoming, and all kinds of negative shit I could list but won't.

Let's move onto the exercises I did today.
1. EC- Hard to find 3 people who were looking at me, and I did feel anxiety when looking at guys, making them think I was gay or something.
2. Ask for the time- EASY
3. Ask for directions- EASY
4. Ask for directions with 30 seconds of small talk- initially difficult to find a "good" candidate, but easy because the girl ended up being Japanese, so I chatted to her briefly about tourism in Boston and Tokyo. Also she had sweet Angelina Jolie Hackers hair.
5. Small talk with store clerk- Pretty poor. I asked the guy for directions to the water, and BRIEFLY BRIEFLY mentioned how I had fre time and a book, and I wanted to zone out, and then confirmed the directions. Chode.
6. Rapport seeker- No one approached me, and I didn't want to approach this big fat guy tending the doors at the 7-11 nor the hip hop CD selling guy who was chatting with his buddy. Chode.
7. Talk to clerk after getting rung up- Didn't totally accomplish this. I started talking to the clerk about the spring clothes going on clearance, but she led me awayt from the counter. I briefly chatted about the clothes, very "on-topic". Semi-chode.
8. Tell a joke to someone I know- who do I know that I...? Anyway, I sent the first line of a joke to a friend but he never texted back.
9. Dance a little- Easy.
10. Walk down the street singing- Fairly easy.
11. Walk up to a stranger, start convo, don't stop until he laughs- Didn't do it. CHODE.
12-18. Didn't do them. FULL CHODE. They were way too scary for me. I really suck at pushing myself, or I'm a total agoraphobic. Anyway...

That's the rundown today. I'm going to keep pushing myself for a while, hopefully. I tend to not push myself.

I believe a wing will GREATLY assist me in completing these tasks and giving me a boost.