Sunday, January 20, 2008


It's all we've been talking about lately, and for good reason.

The first time I was alerted to this concept was probably when I was reading TylerDurden's archives a few years ago, and he talked about how he would focus on one aspect of his game, and follow it blindly, assuming that he would inevitably reach his goal.

The first time I heard it mentioned in the BL was when Toryn posted the most excellent and AWARD-WINNING post of sarging in Las Ramblas, Barcelona.

The first time I REALLY started thinking about it in my own game and personal life was two days ago.

The concepts of consistency and process are all I seem to think about now. I had been reading a lot and listening to Tony R., and he always talks about goals and how you should have them in mind. The cheesy movie The Secret, which I find to be somewhat useful in many things, talks about having a goal portal, or a picture board where you can put up pictures of your goals and reflect on them and imagine having them already.

Here's the thing: I purposefully don't worry about goals right now. That is to say, when I'm doing something, I'm not thinking about how it relates to my overall goal. I save that for the end of the day, or week, when I reflect on my results and make shifts in focus on a smaller and larger scale, respectively. I had a bunch of pictures up on my wall of beautiful women that inspire me to become good at this:
-Tanushree Dutta
-Sora Aoi
-Reon Kadena
-Mariqueen Maandig
-Sung Hi Lee
-two other random fully developed and awe-inspiring females
I would wake up, look at them, then close my eyes and hold my breath, visualizing clawing and seducing them. I would do this sporadically throughout the day. I would finally do this again at night, before I slept.

Now, I don't think about it at all. What is the point of thinking about things that aren't action items? I mean, if I see an opportunity in front of me, I will take it. I'm becoming very excited about taking opportunities lately. But I know that success will only come with methodical steps.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

The only important thing is the NEXT STEP to take. All I think about is the next step, never worrying or wondering about a step that I haven't come to yet. Who cares about makeouts, girlfriends, or threesomes? I still have approach anxiety during daygame. Crawl before you walk before you breakdance.

Last night, I was trying to open using only simple direct openers, and not worry about anything that follows. I still instinctively opened on some situational things, but the direct openers opened like HOTCAKES. Maybe it was the venue, maybe I had toilet paper on my shoe, and girls felt bad for me. I'm going to do this all next week to make sure I have zero approach anxiety at night and a consistent opener. I'm not really interested in learning indirect openers at this point, even though they can be used consistently on the hottest of the hot.

During the daygame, I'm just going over the basics: all next week, I'm going to go out and do 50 Hi's a day on women I find attractive, because I want to root out all daytime approach anxiety and negative habits that I've built up over the years when I'm out.

Ironically, a few guys I met up with lately told me I seem to have little approach anxiety and that I must be skilled (I'm thinking of Saffron and Vitalogy in specific), which I kind of chalked up to them not knowing my skill level well enough. If they got that impression, it's from some inconsistent outcome, rather than my internal focus and process. I say that because it's definitely not the case; my "process" is sporadic at best until this point.

Well, that shit's gonna change.

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