Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lair Talk Gems

I went to the Lair talk with El Topo, Levo, and Doc Holliday.
Just trying to put uip the few things I gleaned that will be applied.

-Attraction is quick (5 minutes), and should start leading into comfort and identity (grounding)ASAP. I like spending time in attraction, because it gets reactions. Whoops.
-Saying "you guys know what it's like" or "you guys know what I'm talking about" about all kinds of emotions or whatever, to frame control, include others, and to relate yourself to them. A cool little thing to use.
-Body rocking is cool again, kind of bouncing in and out of the set in regards to your target, to create rhythms of mild interest and disinterest, rather than as a takeaway or disinterest vehicle only.
-Using different tonalities as anchoring to different things, such as a softer voice for sexual things, etc. Something I've lightly experimented with back in the day.
-PU is cool and we should be talking about it. Hear, hear.

-Most important thing: El Topo talked about how to DHV myself, even though I'm jobless. Start off talking about how something happened that made me interested in my current passion. Access that emotion for her, then relate it to her. Talk about how that feeling is what made me who I am. That's my understanding of what he was saying, anyway.

A good time, and certaintly worth the price (nothing). I'd love to see Levo or El Topo in action. I just started watching El Topo because I was intrigued by his handle. It's pretty crazy.

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