Sunday, January 27, 2008
Glory Times
...I was so happy that I'm beating one of the biggest obstacles in my life, that I literally had tears of joy. Like, I've always had hideous Approach Anxiety. Killing this part of me off makes me feel superhuman.
I owe it all to the Boston Lair. BOOM. I will be sending back value to the lair mad soon, just figuring out how...
Anyway, ever since I started this huge sarging marathon like 8 days ago, I've improved my game like 200%. Noticeable. Things are looking up. YeehaaaAAAAAA
Saturday, January 26, 2008
FR: Day + Underbar
I hit up the PruCop with Mayson, Doc H. and Chad + Corey, and ?Sareet? (never properly grabbed his name). I hit up one set when we get to B&N, poor BL on my part and I fucked up the opener. I didn't pace her reality correctly, so she got weirded out and claimed the BF. I say "all my girlfriends have boyfriends", but she already has momentum away from me.
We spend the rest of the time joking. Gay jokes. I can't overstress the amount of gay jokes. More hanging, I hang at Sareet's house with the guys. Head home, fix my do, and drive to Underbar. Doc H. can't get in, which sucks. Short guys will soon take over the Boston nightlife. Peace, tall handsome rich dudes.
A lot of beautiful people there (men and women), which in a past life would have intimidated me. NOPE, not tonight. I spend most of the night pumping Chad and the boys up. Damn, those kids can get hyphy like none other. It's Chad's birthday, so we get VIP shit and the bottle chick is obnoxious. Ah well. Shot of vodka and some nonsense, then a vodka red bull. Then water for the rest of the night.
I pump myself up initially by telling the first two girls I see that I was going to wear that top. Then I booty bump a few girls. I chat up a few girls super briefly, the music was OVER THE TOP loud.
Back to the VIP crew.
I get bored, so I push friend HB5 to the dance floor. No explanation. I steal her drink and help myself. She loves the dominance. I bring her up, we're the only ones really dancing. I GET IT F-ING STARTED. Pushing her around by the waist, freaking, push-pull physically. Everyone sees, everyone likes it. Milf up next to her is laughing. I say some nonsense to her. The two chicks start talking while I solo dance. I get bored again, and CLAW them both the fuck in. Milf is enjoying it. I do the "this shit aint for free", and kino her some more. Start freaking them both. Booyah. I'm getting bored, they're both kind of lame. I probably could have made out with both of them, but WHY? Hot chicks only. Two girls nearby see it and laugh. I say like 2 words to them.
Back to the VIP crew.
Later those two chicks are ordering drinks, and I roll up behind em. Super kino, super happy, super jokey. The hotter one HB6, is kind of non-receptive to my kino, yet is super happy and bantery with me. Mixed signals, I don't f-ing care. You talk to me, it's on. Some sexual joking, some nonsense bantering as per usual. I think I gave them nicknames and called them dominatrices. I see these girls a lot throughout the night and dance with them when I see them. Turns out they are vaguely part of "my" VIP crew. At the end of the night, I pick up the 6 for fun. She picks me up in return, and I fucking superman my arms out. She's mad strong, kid.
Back to the VIP crew.
This HB7.5 is bouncing around, flirting with random people, loving the attention. I'm game. I kino, and the second I get dominance, I start moving her around. Spinning, hugging, whatever. I cold read her, pump her state even higher (lol, bad idea, I should have locked her the f in). She's loving the "bad girl" shit. I get her name, we share a little dancing, I don't really differentiate myself besides being dominant and funny, but I tell her I'll grab her later.
Back to the VIP crew.
I see her later, some brief shit, and it works but doesn't hook. She's not loving the shit like she should.
It's Chad's birthday shit, so I drag him along with me, trying to get pics with hot girls. I roll up on this SMOKING INDIAN SET, but they kind of politely brush me off. INDIAN CHICKS!!! WHY!?! We kind of meander over, and I see this girl by herself. "My friend wants to meet you. It's his birthday today, so you gotta be EXTRA nice." Introduce them, semi-joke about getting a birthday kiss pic. Then I say "let's get the pic for real." Turns out, I'm too retarded to operate the camera. A bunch of jokes so they don't get bored, but I can't use it. I tell them to chat while I bounce to Mayson to learn about its operation. Turns out the chick was with her Boyfriend AND her Boyfriend's bodyguard. When I come back, Chad is befriending these guys, and he tells me he almost got beat down. Whoops! Haha damn I can ruin a birthday mad fast.
Lessons: Frequent quieter venues. Without quieter music, I will fail against better looking better dressed chodes. Learn how to chill out and appropriately approach the higher caliber chicks. There were a lot of beautiful babies that I did NOT talk to that evening. At least I kept my crew going strong. Dudes were box dancing the FUCK UP. Super fun.
I spent WAY more money than I'm used to (10 for parking, 15 for cover), but it was a good night of being a goofball. A lot of cool people I met that night.
FR: #*ing browser ate my precious post
I just spent literally 30 minutes writing up the best field report ever and then accidentally left the page and it erased what the fuck!>!>!>!>!>>!!>!>!
OK, brief recap. Persian Prince is cool, Doc Holliday is the shit and ran spectacular game. I hit state early, and blew away my AA. It's not quite dead, but it's hemorraging from the neck, and I just need to curb stomp it. Went out later to hang with Bravado, but he was fucked up. Hit Sanctuary, brought the party, and had a blast doing my own thang.
Seriously, I could have won a Pulitzer for my post. Frustration.
Oh, and you should check out Doc's upcoming cheap bootcamp/workshops. Hit him up at
Dear readers,
Friday, January 25, 2008
What a crazy day. The preview: approach anxiety busted the f up
Thursday, January 24, 2008
FR: Daygame
I hit up 4 lone wolves in 2.5 hours.
To get myself talkative, I approached two fugly FOBs. I roll up, saying my sister has the same purse. I ask where they are from. Chick with purse is hilariously pretending I don't exist. Dude, you're a 4. You can't afford to pass up an opportunity to chat with a perfect 10 (I'm a 10).
I can't remember my first two approaches.
We hit the food court. I get a taco, briefly speak about Spanish with the cash register person.
Sitting with Royalty, I eventually chat up this Hispanic chick next to us. "Do you think it's weird to call a girl 'dude'?" She doesn't speak English that well, but she is enjoying talking. I briefly root the story (falsely, whatever). Royalty is talking her up, too. She says something funny, I say she is funny and has jokes. I ask her to tell me a joke, playfully. She asks what kind, I say 'a funny one'. She has none. I blank out, eject.
Final approach is at B&N. I roll up on her, I like her style. I wanna meet her; my name is p1an0. She's Lulu, she's french and she keeps asking me "Are you serious?". I bust on her, but I genuinely do like her style. At one point, I take the book out of her hands while I'm talking, just for fun. It doesn't phase her. I ask where in France she's from, she says Paris. I tell her she's lying, she must be from Marseilles, because she's too nice to be Parisian. She says "you think I'm nice?" Which is legit, she seems kind of standoffish, but I say "are you serious?", kind of callback humor. She shit tests me, saying "do you always talk to people like this?" I say I'm shy, she laughs. She asks again, and I say "I know, you feel lucky, right?" She says no, she's feels scared and shifts her BL away. I took this for an intense SOD, although it was probably just a flirty shit test that didn't come across the right away. Anyway, she asks for her book back, and it sounds like I'm done. Even though it's not over, I tell her she broke my heart in French and bounce.
:( , just kidding, it was a process SUCCESS.
Royalty would talk a lot about theory, which is ironically not something I need to be hearing about, especially when I'm in field. This kind of drags down my energy, plus a lot of dead time of just walking around, feeling bored.
I approached about 2/5 of the hot girls I saw and WANTED to approach. That old AA still has a little bit on me. But I'm starting to kick AA's ass. A few more sarging sessions and a little results, and I'll probably be hitting all of the logistically possible hot girls I see.
Lessons: ATTRACT MATERIAL. Being up front about interest is fine, as well as attractive personality backs it up. I gotta run that shit.
I'm going to run one or two attraction routines just to hook in the sets from now on. Open direct, run attraction sequence, and then vibe, perhaps improv some more attract, and ground that shit. Who am I? I....
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Quick thought
Hopefully, I can minimize this period of temporary emotional pain in order to focus more on other, more important things.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
FR: Daygame w/ new wing
I rolled out today with Royalty, a cool guy off the lair that I hadn't really kicked it with before. He's pretty chilled out, so we kind of middled out each others' energies. Very good time.
We met up at Barne's and Noble, started chatting up a little. I'll just cover my sets and things I learned from his. I believe I hit about 4 sets in total, it was a slow Tuesday.
Roll up on a chick in the corner (asian 7.5/8), she's filling out some kind of form. I roll up "Dude, you look super intensely focused on that." No response. I say it again. Refusing to lose, I say hello twice, no response. Some other lady is looking at us. I gesture that she's deaf, bcuz it's funny to me. I say "dude, can you hear me?" She FINALLY looks up, and is like "yeah". And I say my opener again, asking her what it is. She asks me why I wanna know, I just kind of chodely repeat my opener in statement format. She replies she's very busy, which is totally possible. Whatever, I plowed until she basically made me leave. Success.
Next was this Japanese looking Chinese chick going into FCUK. I followed her, opened her with "Are you Japanese?". She's not, I bust on her for stealing their style. I'm bantering half aimlessly, half framing shit. I talk about her being my sugar momma, do the "we used to be cool, what happened?" roleplay. She's receptive to it, but still kind of not fully engaged. Her BL indicates hesitation, semi-turned away from me. I kind of get discouraged, look to my wing who was nearby, and say "tuesday sucks". then I repeat it to her, she asks why, and now my wing is in conversation as well. She says something about how Tuesday is her day off. I don't follow up on that thread. Ah well. Lesson: keep talking about myself.
I tried opening this short little 8.5 Indian looking chick while movin. I slow down say/belt out "OMG You are ADORABLE. I wanna meet you." She kind of breaks off EC and walks past. To get some kind of emotional spike to stop her, I say "Hey, I'm talking. Come here." No reaction, no dice. :( I wanted to chat this chick up BAD. I planted my feet mad early, had great BL and tonality, really engaging tone, yet no reaction outside of active ignoring. Lesson: ? Can't win them all?
In Victoria's Secret, while Royalty is trying to "slay the dragon" (sarge in Vicky's while being chill about it), I chat up a hired gun for fun. Not at all work-related. I start off by asking her who Victoria is. She's loving the vibe. We joke a little more about Victoria and her secret. She pretends to be Victoria, I talk about crotchless panties, and she jokes that her secret is she deoesn't wear underwear. Hilarious stuff. She's getting stuff over her earpiece, so I let her go. She looks confused as to why I blow her off. Lesson learned: plow.
The only other set I remember is this chick in B&N, she's a brunette 8. Very cute. I'm going to approach her with this amusing little book about Barbies which is next to her, but hesitate and eventually give up and leave. However, I feel the battery acid in my gut as I'm talking to Royalty, so I say "fuck it. I'm going back." I briefly walk towards her, pretend like I just notice her and open.
She's sitting on the ground, near the back, reading Cosmo or some shit. I roll up direct. I shake her hands when I introduce myself, and it's awkward because she's sitting down. At the time, I can't think of a way to lock in/sit down or get more comfortable than she is. Thus, it's awkward. I engage her with "what's your story? Why you just chilling out in the back reading mags? Why you got all this free time?" She doesn't know how to respond. Considering it a lost thread, I just bang on. "Are you a student around Boston?" affirmative. "Right, and what do you study?" Economics. I joke about wanting to make money or whatever, but it's miscalibrated, because she genuinely like economics and financial shit. She seems vaguely into it the whole time, it's hard to read her BL because she was practically sitting down, etc. When I joked about her being my sugar momma, she seemed a little indignant/displeased, oh well. I SOI her on being chill, and get CRAZY EC with her. It's going well. Then I "forget everything" and have nothing to talk about. Eject. Oops. Lesson: Talk about myself, tell stories.
Lesson: I know all the comfort shit, just gotta SAY IT. Approaching direct is child's play, and makes my job a lot easier. Only very hot girls seem to not buy into it. I wonder if this is part of a larger trend of hot girls not really digging the direct shit as much.
Lair Talk Gems
Just trying to put uip the few things I gleaned that will be applied.
-Attraction is quick (5 minutes), and should start leading into comfort and identity (grounding)ASAP. I like spending time in attraction, because it gets reactions. Whoops.
-Saying "you guys know what it's like" or "you guys know what I'm talking about" about all kinds of emotions or whatever, to frame control, include others, and to relate yourself to them. A cool little thing to use.
-Body rocking is cool again, kind of bouncing in and out of the set in regards to your target, to create rhythms of mild interest and disinterest, rather than as a takeaway or disinterest vehicle only.
-Using different tonalities as anchoring to different things, such as a softer voice for sexual things, etc. Something I've lightly experimented with back in the day.
-PU is cool and we should be talking about it. Hear, hear.
-Most important thing: El Topo talked about how to DHV myself, even though I'm jobless. Start off talking about how something happened that made me interested in my current passion. Access that emotion for her, then relate it to her. Talk about how that feeling is what made me who I am. That's my understanding of what he was saying, anyway.
A good time, and certaintly worth the price (nothing). I'd love to see Levo or El Topo in action. I just started watching El Topo because I was intrigued by his handle. It's pretty crazy.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
FR: Vox
Me and ae82 rolled out to Vox around 10ish, maybe later. I opened one or two girls situationally, some brief chitchat and a bit of joking around, nothing serious. We decide to start rolling the Dare Game. So we point out sets for each other. I open most girls with "You guys look like fun. My name's p1an0hands." THIS OPENED WELL EVERY TIME. All these 25-35 year old women were really digging my opener. However, afterwards, I didn't really have a followup, as per my "process", so most of the time the energy just slowly drained out of sets if they hooked.
WHICH IS FINE. I followed my process, so it was a success. I'm going to continue just focusing on opening every attractive set with direct and going from there for a week, to make sure it's all good. Next week, I'll work on switching stuff up.
Anyway, I opened maybe 4 3-sets in a row that slowly bombed, nothing explosive or unusual. It didn't help that I was vaguely attracted to like 1 of the 12 women I chatted up.
There was a very cute half-Japanese girl there that I'm fairly confident was with a boyfriend. I never approached her, even though the "BF" wasn't near her half of the time. The feeling of a missed opportunity- like battery acid in my gut. Lesson learned, I'm just missing out on fun if I don't approach.
I direct opened an asian chick next to me on her style. She smiled and touched my chest, saying "I really like YOUR sty-", but I cut her off accidentally with some attract stuff. It was a negative compliance momentum moment, but I moved forward. A bit of attract stuff (nothing canned, home don't play that), like one or two questions, and then her friends next to her wanted her to do shots (didn't notice the friends). I tell her she can't bail on her friends during "shots time", telling her I'll talk to her later. Don't see her again. :(, just kidding, it was a "process" success.
Nonetheless, I started hitting state after a bit. I chatted up the ?manager?, and we chatted about the vibe, lighting, and music of the venue. He told me about the future of Vox, and gave me his card. This marks the first time I've had a non-value-taking conversation with someone who's involved in the inner workings of these places. I chatted up some bartenders/servers about the music playing in a very playful, value-building way. Chatted up this chick on the dancefloor, who was dancing very poorly. Ironically, she was just a very drunk dance instructor. She gave me her card and told me to take salsa from her. $100/6 lessons, right in Downtown Crossing, if anyone's interested EDIT:She was really drunk and gave me the wrong URL :( EDIT DONE. She mentioned her boyfriend, who I briefly met a few times. I wasn't really into her, but she had a great energy, and we mutually pumped each other's states with joking and dancing. Awesome.
Some other nonsense, then I hit my favorite set of the night. 3 set, two chicks, one bro. THEY ARE INDIANS. The target (a 7) opens ME before I can talk. She asks me what the theme song to Top Gun is. Could you have asked for a better opening for me? I LOVE TOP GUN, and I LOVE "HIGHWAY TO THE DANGER ZONE". I mention that in college, my nickname WAS Danger, so my buddies would always reference it. I mention my direct opener, minus the introduction. I'm high energy, my target lights up, and the other female and bro are kind of forced to smile. I get them all laughing a bunch, then show individual interest in the non-targets. I take genuine interest in the guy for a bit, then the female. Every time I sporadically chat up the target, she's more and more cool, always laughing, kinoing, and with awesome things to say. They decide to bounce upstairs and invite me along. I stay, looking for ae82. He texts me, telling me he's upstairs, lol. I go upstairs, and everyone's bouncing.
I see the 3set 5 minutes later, briefly chat them. I don't have any comfort built, and don't have time to build comfort before I bounce. I tell them the place is closing, and I should get their number so we can hang out later/ some other time, while making direct EC and BL towards the target. I even gesture my phone towards her, but the obstacle fem takes my number instead. Saffron told me later that he recommends just putting the phone in her hands with minimal explanation. Anyway, I have her call me and send her an amusing text that includes our next venue. No response, ah well.
We hit City bar with half of the lair waiting in line, and when he get in, it's very unfortunate. Saffron grabs pretty much the only set there. I try to wing, but get the impression Saff doesn't need it. Plus there was nowhere for me to sit, which is unacceptable.
Lesson: More direct stuff, more consistent attraction material and engagement at beginning of interaction, talk to all girls that I find attractive, and unattractive ones during the interim.
The End.
It's all we've been talking about lately, and for good reason.
The first time I was alerted to this concept was probably when I was reading TylerDurden's archives a few years ago, and he talked about how he would focus on one aspect of his game, and follow it blindly, assuming that he would inevitably reach his goal.
The first time I heard it mentioned in the BL was when Toryn posted the most excellent and AWARD-WINNING post of sarging in Las Ramblas, Barcelona.
The first time I REALLY started thinking about it in my own game and personal life was two days ago.
The concepts of consistency and process are all I seem to think about now. I had been reading a lot and listening to Tony R., and he always talks about goals and how you should have them in mind. The cheesy movie The Secret, which I find to be somewhat useful in many things, talks about having a goal portal, or a picture board where you can put up pictures of your goals and reflect on them and imagine having them already.
Here's the thing: I purposefully don't worry about goals right now. That is to say, when I'm doing something, I'm not thinking about how it relates to my overall goal. I save that for the end of the day, or week, when I reflect on my results and make shifts in focus on a smaller and larger scale, respectively. I had a bunch of pictures up on my wall of beautiful women that inspire me to become good at this:
-Tanushree Dutta
-Sora Aoi
-Reon Kadena
-Mariqueen Maandig
-Sung Hi Lee
-two other random fully developed and awe-inspiring females
I would wake up, look at them, then close my eyes and hold my breath, visualizing clawing and seducing them. I would do this sporadically throughout the day. I would finally do this again at night, before I slept.
Now, I don't think about it at all. What is the point of thinking about things that aren't action items? I mean, if I see an opportunity in front of me, I will take it. I'm becoming very excited about taking opportunities lately. But I know that success will only come with methodical steps.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
The only important thing is the NEXT STEP to take. All I think about is the next step, never worrying or wondering about a step that I haven't come to yet. Who cares about makeouts, girlfriends, or threesomes? I still have approach anxiety during daygame. Crawl before you walk before you breakdance.
Last night, I was trying to open using only simple direct openers, and not worry about anything that follows. I still instinctively opened on some situational things, but the direct openers opened like HOTCAKES. Maybe it was the venue, maybe I had toilet paper on my shoe, and girls felt bad for me. I'm going to do this all next week to make sure I have zero approach anxiety at night and a consistent opener. I'm not really interested in learning indirect openers at this point, even though they can be used consistently on the hottest of the hot.
During the daygame, I'm just going over the basics: all next week, I'm going to go out and do 50 Hi's a day on women I find attractive, because I want to root out all daytime approach anxiety and negative habits that I've built up over the years when I'm out.
Ironically, a few guys I met up with lately told me I seem to have little approach anxiety and that I must be skilled (I'm thinking of Saffron and Vitalogy in specific), which I kind of chalked up to them not knowing my skill level well enough. If they got that impression, it's from some inconsistent outcome, rather than my internal focus and process. I say that because it's definitely not the case; my "process" is sporadic at best until this point.
Well, that shit's gonna change.
I'm going to try and put it in my signature on the BLair. I might be asking some of the other Blair guys with blogs to let me link up with them, depending on if that would be useful/cool with them.