Wednesday, May 28, 2008

OR: Day game

I went out, chatted one HB6 asian briefly. That's not great. I saw the glass wall. There were about 10 females that I wanted to chat with that I didn't. I'm upset at myself. I'll push myself harder next time. I'll be out tomorrow as well.

I've got a part time job that is perfect for daygame. It's 1-5PM, so I have noonish game and post work game. I'll probably expand my hours to get more money, but it's a source of revenue and it's getting me out and about during the warm days in Downtown Crossing area. I will push myself HARD.

Here's my strategy. I'll start by talking to people on the train. Just a Hi or Nice weather, or even just a smile, but really put myself out there. EC holding mofo. Off the train, I'll sarge for an hour outdoors. That means circle around the Downtown Crossing area, picking off hoodrats and random attractive females. Post work, I'll buzz across the Commons to Newbury/Copley and chat up EVERY attractive set. That includes 2 sets. I'll start off 2 sets by asking for directions or the time.

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