Saturday, April 12, 2008


Just wanted to mention this:
STDs scare me. I don't want the Hiv, don't want herp, drip, clap, crabs, whatever. I'm clean as far as I know (I was tested before the last 2 sexual partners I've had).

However. I've read statistics about where guys, and especially girls, lie about having STDs to their sexual partners because it's "none of their business" or "unimportant" or whatever. This SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME. I don't want some girl that will lie about potentially giving me a life-long disease just so she can get her nuts off, so to speak. Asking if a girl has an STD before sexual stuff is a precaution I will always take, but that isn't even remotely 100% effective.

In the future, there will be insta-STD tests you can take that will come with condoms. Unfortunately, the future is not now. I don't know how I can ever be 100% sure that my partners don't have STDs if we don't both get tested for it.

If I fuck enough girls, statistically I will eventually get STDs. I heard that HIV can penetrate a condom because it is a virus and therefore too small to prevent transmission. To quote Scooby-Doo, "GULP!". If I had an STD, you better fucking believe I'd tell a girl that I have it. By the same logic, a girl unwilling to disclose because she's horny, probably won't care about an STD, or she will and who cares. Girls are STD-ridden virus mules!!! I will never bone again!!!! 8]

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