Sunday, November 9, 2008


Apparently, some of my friends (community) read this blog from time to time, so time to throw up something.

Fact is, I've been much more focused on things outside of women. I don't have the lifestyle to have/enjoy a lot of women in my life right now (jobless and living in quincy with my dad doesn't do it for me). I've been more focused on what I will do for money, focused on silly trivial pursuits, and focused on distracting but somewhat useful things (working out, yoga, cleaning the house, etc.). I haven't been out talking to girls in a while, and I suspect that once I start doing it regularly again, I will be massively rusty.

In other news, I put on a tuxedo and bow tie, along with my suit, and I make a sweet James Bond, and I will wear that James Bond outfit to Philadelphia for the opening day of the new James Bond movie with my awesome sister. Then we will apparently go on a 7-hour meditation retreat? Whatever.

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